AI and automation in HR: we will increase the efficiency of your processes

How often do you feel tired of repetitive tasks and have no time for what is really important? Do you want to use AI in a more advanced way, but you don't know how to start? Or maybe you are afraid that due to automation you will lose the so-called human factor? We know these problems! We are HR specialists and we can increase your efficiency while maintaining the so-called "human touch". Take advantage of our help and make work your pleasure.

Why us?

Bee Talents has over 9 years of experience in building teams of our Clients and our own.

We work with both startups and international corporations. We were automating recruitment and HR processes before it was cool, and we currently use GenAI to recruit for our clients.

We were one of the first to conduct a series of training sessions on GenAI for recruiters , which have received positive feedback.

We believe that every HR should be modern, operate effectively and increase its value for the business, which is why we share our knowledge and experience.

What you get

Time you can spend on solving really important issues for the organizational culture.
Data that will give you better arguments in discussions with management and business.
You limit the performance of repetitive tasks to a minimum.

How it works

Schedule a free consultation to discuss your key challenges.
Don't worry if you don't know where to start - we'll discover it with you.
Based on the diagnosis, we will present you with a cooperation plan for the coming weeks and a quote.
We can agree on a given number of hours or a monthly retainer – based on your needs and the problems we need to solve.
Step by step, we will teach you and your team how to use the right tools and analyze the results of your work.
We will be your support and together we will solve any problems.

AI and automation in HR with Bee Talents is:

Combining the extensive knowledge of Bee Talents consultants about HR processes and combining them with technology.
Deep understanding of the complexity of processes and gradually breaking them down into small steps leading to big changes.
Continuous improvement of work and updating of knowledge.
On-demand contact and regular implementation meetings - appropriate to the chosen style of cooperation.
Adjusting the pace of work to the priorities in the organization.
Quick results, visible shortly after starting cooperation.

Example areas for GenAI and automation

Performance Review

Does PR seem like a long and difficult process to implement? It doesn't have to be that way!

PR is an area that will become more agile and enjoyable thanks to automation and the use of GenAI. Without paying for expensive tools.

Use our proven Performance Review framework and let's go through this process together: from implementation to results analysis.

Gain time for important conversations.

Recruitment process

Recruitment process automation has been going on for years. Thanks to this, candidate experience has improved significantly in many companies, and recruiters have started working with data, increasing their efficiency.

However, there is always something that can be done better, which is why we invite you to audit your recruitment processes.

We'll also show you:
- how to write effective prompts,
- how to prepare for recruitment for almost any role,
- what to do to create distinctive content with AI that will reflect the company's values on the one hand and be interesting for candidates on the other,
- how AI can help you design your selection and decision-making process to be more inclusive, data-driven, and help you choose the best people for your organization.


Did you know that you can easily create an assistant for each new team member? This will save you time on answering the same questions multiple times, because the tool will do it for you.

Are you afraid that the process will lack the “human touch”? Nothing could be further from the truth – because now you will have more time to build a real relationship with new colleagues, and the implementation itself will be time-efficient.


Building a quality organizational culture is a challenge. We know this because we implement it in our own structures.

OKRs, exit interviews, on/offboarding processes… these are just some of the challenges every organization faces.

We have the know-how to help you through demanding implementations and ensure you don't have to reinvent the wheel.

Let's talk about how we can support you

Translated with Linguana