Rocket Hive training 🚀 by Bee Talents

Zwiększ skuteczność Twojego zespołu dzięki naszym szkoleniom dla rekruterów IT, wykorzystując wiedzę i doświadczenie zdobyte przez lata. W Bee Talents od ponad 7 lat prowadzimy szkolenia otwarte dla rekruterów oraz zamkniętepod marką Rocket Hive 🚀, dopasowane do konkretnych potrzeb Twojego zespołu. Przeszkoliliśmy już ponad 800 rekruterów!

Companies we’ve worked with

How you can learn with us

At Rocket Hive 🚀 by Bee Talents, we conduct two types of training: open and closed.

Nasze szkolenia otwarte dedykujemy specjalistom z różnych firm, by wzmocnić ich wiedzę i kompetencje rekrutacyjne. Szkolimy z wiedzy technicznej, sourcingu oraz AI w rekrutacji. Zapisz się na najbliższy termin szkolenia przez stronę

During closed training, we work with the entire recruitment team of our client. Depending on the specific training needs, we arrange the agenda, determine the length of the training and select the right trainer who will lead the prepared training modules.

What do you gain by training with Rocket Hive 🚀 by Bee Talents

Knowledge and know-how, battle-tested over the years by our recruiters – including in putting together entire hiring processes and recruitment strategies.
Tools you can (and will) use daily to help you boost your recruitment team’s performance.
Diagnosis of real demand. We will actively advise you on what scope of training and what topics will be most valuable for your team.
Solving specific problems in the most important areas of recruitment in your company. We do not provide general knowledge, but work on the real challenges of your team.
Support for your team in carrying out your hiring plan.

How it works

Open training

Check out all our available training courses on the Rocket Hive website.
Choose a topic and dates that fit.
Get yourself and your team signed up.
Make the payment for the training.
After the training you’ll get a certificate and – most of all – have the practical knowledge you can start using right away.

Training closed

Zgłoś się do nas przez formularz na dole tej strony lub formularz na stronie
We first verify your requirements, based on which we create a training proposal, including an agenda, timeline, and instructors.
If you’re down with it, we’ll start preparing the training. We’ll definitely want to talk to its participants first to get specific expectations and challenges they want to solve.
After the training, you’ll get all the materials, a summary, and training survey results.
In a sum-up meeting, we’ll share our observations and recommendations for further growth strategies for your team.

Our most popular training

Technical training – basic and advanced
Candidate sourcing – basic and advanced
DevOps Data technical training
Effective collaboration between recruiters and hiring managers
Don't see the topic you're interested in? Write to us!

We will prepare something especially for you and your team.

Dlaczego warto się szkolić z Rocket Hive 🚀 by Bee Talents?

Experienced instructors

The Bee Talents team includes several dozen experienced and skilled recruiters. Our instructors have hundreds of training hours under their belts, along with numerous industry event keynotes and many happy clients.

For practitioners, by practitioners

Our participants don’t pay us for theory, but for practical know-how that our instructors have gained while working on hundreds of projects with hundreds of companies.

Leveled-up recruitment knowledge

The experience and knowledge can be disproportionate within the same team – and that’s normal. We can help eliminate the differences so that everyone’s at a similar level when it comes to recruitment knowledge and skills.

Practice makes perfect.

We believe that training is not only theory, and exercises are necessary to consolidate the newly learned information. Immediate feedback from the trainer will make you leave the meeting with knowledge ready to be used in everyday work.

Copy-paste? That’s a big NO

With custom training courses, we never take shortcuts. We don’t copy training agendas from previous ones for other clients. Every time, we adjust the agenda and schedule to your specific challenges, answering your specific expectations.

Training in numbers

1200 godzin

Tyle czasu spędziliśmy, przekazując naszą wiedzę

ponad 120


ponad 800

uczestników Wzięło udział w naszych szkoleniach

Let's talk about training in your company

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