Bitnoiseto poznański software house zatrudniający 28 osób. Specjalizuje się w tworzeniu oprogramowania i budowania dedykowanych zespołów developerskich dla swoich partnerów. Założyli go w 2009 roku dwaj bracia, Adrian i Łukasz Roth.
From the very beginning, their concept of building a company was partnership, loyalty and mutual respect. And the words "Like a Family" in relation to Bitnoise perfectly reflect the atmosphere in the organization.
Like most founders, the brothers first recruited themselves. A dedicated recruitment position in the company would be a strain on the finances of the software house. So, the main sources for candidate acquisition from the very beginning have been job boards, such as The company also hired through referrals.
Along with the steady development of the company, the needs also changed. Clients required larger teams to carry out projects, and there was not enough time for effective recruitment. Adrian and Łukasz decided to outsource the recruitment process.
We started working in the standard agency model, recruiting two developers for Bitnoise. But the ever-growing recruitment needs encouraged Adrian and Łukasz to outsource all HR challenges and start cooperation in the RPO model.
We had two main goals: