When it comes to hiring abroad, there are multiple issues consider. Legal systems, communication norms or candidate engagement to mention a few. Hiring in Poland is an interesting ecosystem, with its own hardships and traps, and some things worth keeping in mind. All the issues you should be aware of you will find in just released Recruiting Brainfood guide. And yes, we are excited to find Bee Talents in that guide!
“How to hire in Poland” guide is a comprehensive set of insights on Polish recruiting market based on research conducted by Hung Lee. It covers all of the vital areas of recruiting that not only recruiters but also all Hiring Managers may find really useful and valuable. It gives you insights on contract types, required visas or even holiday politics, making it way easier to understand the slightly challenging hiring system developed in Poland.
More about Hung Lee
Hung Lee - the Co-founder and CEO at Workshape.io, author of Recruiting Brainfood newsletter dedicated to HR professionals around the world. Recognized coach and product-maker, passionate about making recruitment better for people and businesses.
Best Tech Recruitment Agency in Poland
It’s not so zero-one to name the one & best Tech Recruitment Agency. Finally, it's always up to your personal preferences, cooperation models (retainer fee, success fee, RPO) or even representing akin values. Sometimes it may end up on the total cost of the recruitment process. Though, reports like “How to hire in Poland” may give us a hint of which agencies you might consider.
Nevertheless, we are really happy to be named the top Tech Recruitment Agency in Poland!
That’s not the only touch of Bee Talents in this guide! Kasia Michalak and Maciej Mazurek (our COO) have both been listed among the best/most influential people to follow in recruiting, joining the good company like Kasia Tang,Maja Gojtowska and Jacek Krajewski! Congratulations guys!
You can connect with all of them on LinkedIn by clicking at their names above if you want!
Last but not least, you can join the HR Inspirations' Networking Poland group on facebook, which was created by our CEO Aleksandra Pszczoła and is now managed by our team!
Let’s meet there!